Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Hello everyone, it's been a while since I posted because I was out of ideas. I thought I was this really funny person and then 3 blogs in, I was done, toast, I peaked, not that I was even that funny, but I thought I had so much in me. What a wake up call.

Anyway, I was thinking about my life and how I can never stick to something I start. I started scrapbooking, invested thousands in creative memories stuff and then made it through my daughter's baby book to 6 months and then I was done. Bored. Let's see, started a make-up blog and that lasted about two weeks before I became bored with that too. So I started thinking 'my whole life has been about getting bored with stuff way to easily' and it got me to thinking about college and how I hooked up with so many dudes and why I got bored so easily. So I did some research and now I can blame on my college sluttiness on ADD! You know, Attention Deficit Disorder. Thank goodness I have something to blame for my lack of morals in college. I thought I was just your typical run of the mill drunk slut in college but NOOOOO, I have ADD!! Finally a way to explain why I could never stick to just one guy and how I would be so "in love" with someone only to be so "grossed out" the next day! (That could have also been the beer goggles but let's just pretend it's my ADD). Here is the definition of ADD:

Definition: What is Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)?
Attention Deficit Disorder is a biologically (it's not my fault I was a slut, it's my parents!) based condition causing a persistent pattern of difficulties resulting in one or more of the the following behaviors:
inattention (new day, new guy)
hyperactivity (some might call me a spaz)
impulsivity (sleeping with a guy after knowing him for two minutes?)
Inattention (new day, new guy)
difficulty attending or focusing on a specific task. People with Attention Deficit Disorder may become distracted within a matter of minutes (in my case, it was usually one night). Inattentive behavior may also cause difficulties with staying organized (e.g. losing things-my virginity), keeping track of time, completing tasks, and making careless errors (uhh, need I say more?).
difficulty inhibiting behavior. These people are in constant motion. They may engage in excessive fiddling, leg swinging, and squirming in their chair and sleeping with men (I added in this last part but it fits, right?).
difficulty controlling impulses (hello making out with dudes in the middle of a bar that I just met). These people do not stop and think before they act. They say and do whatever comes into their mind without thinking about the consequences. They might say something inappropriate and regret it later, blurt out a response to question before a person is done speaking to them, or have difficulty waiting for their turn in line.
ADD or ADHD - What's the Difference?
Clinically, the term ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. A person may either be diagnosed with ADHD or ADD depending on whether they are hyperactive or not. It is possible for someone to have ADD without being hyperactive. To accommodate this possibility, ADHD is often written with brackets around the "H" (i.e. AD(H)D). You may also see it written as AD/HD. There are generally three types of AD(H)D:
Combined Type (hyperactive, impulsive, inattentive)
Inattentive Type
Hyperactive, Impulsive Type
Around the web, in the media, and the general public you will often hear/see ADD used as a generic term to describe the whole disability. You may also notice that many people with ADD have developed their own unique terminology to describe themselves (e.g. "ADD'ers" or "ADDults")

Okay, so there you have it. In a way, I am so glad that I finally self diagnosed myself because now I can start blaming my parents for me being sleazy earlier in life and not take any responsibility for my own actions. Thanks ADD!

1 comment:

  1. So it's not too late, you can erase all the shit with a simple label, the thing is I LOVE me my Laura, who she is and was! But maybe
    you should send WebMD a thank you note?!
    Oh thank you Freud and all other psyco-ananlytical head cases for consistantly supporting the theory that it's not our fault, us kids that thought a study group meant bringing books to the Bar. It's never our fault it's always the parents, with their inane, uncompatible breeding and their out of date clothes, ridiculous boring music, and the useless dribble that come out of their mouths blah blah blah, i'm a mess and I am going to make you into one too and don't get me started on the whole sex talk thing and well, you know, shit..... wait a minute....I'M A FREAKING PARENT!!!! I'm doing large amounts of irrviversable damage...damn those shrinks! ;);)
