Friday, February 6, 2009


Okay, today I was going to write about finger toes but that will have to wait until another day because as I was driving today, I saw something that, once again, bugged the crudites out of me. Nose picking in a car. Why do people pick their nose in their car???? I know that everyone picks their nose sometimes but to actually see it is another thing altogether. I understand that everyone needs to pick their nose sometimes but why in the world would you do it in your car??? Not sure if these people are aware of the fact that they are surrounded by windows all all sides of them? Um, do you not think that people can see you? Do you think that you are all of a sudden invisible when you start picking? Like, magically people cannot see in your windows while you're picking? I remember when I was in 2nd grade and I thought that if I covered my nose with my hand and then picked with the other, nobody would know what I was doing. Well of course they knew what I was doing. But I was in 2nd grade, not an adult. Do you know how disgusted I get when I am driving down the road and just happen to look next to me and there is someone digging in his nose so hard it looks like he's trying to touch his brain??? I swear, I get so grossed out and I wonder, what would possess you to do that in your car where everyone can see you??? You really can't wait till you park and then maybe bend over in your car and give a quick pick or go to the bathroom like a normal person??? Or how about blow into a tissue? Come on, is it really so important to get it out right this minute? Unless you have a bug that crawled up there and it is going to eat your brain, then you are not allowed to pick and drive. No one wants to see that crap. And don't stop at a light and do it either, that is worse than doing it while driving. At a light, you have people on all sides of you watching you pick!!! Ewwww, grosss. Please people, a little common courtesy while driving goes a long way.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Today's article is related to my previous article, it is more about people and their cars and the stupid crap that they put on their cars and how exhausting it is to drive these streets here in California. So here goes a typical day. I leave my house and have to wave at the stupid people in my neighborhood with a "baby on board" sticker on the inside window of their Jetta. Okay, didn't think they still made these and certainly didn't think anyone still put them on their car.

So I pull up behind a lowered Acura and begin the daily ritual of reading all the crap that people put on the back of their cars. This car reads:

Jose Garcia Gomez
12-15-35 - 4-28-08
Rest In Peace Beloved Grandpa

Ummm, where to begin on these? Okay, first of all, like I said before, unless I know you, I don't really care about you or your dead grandpa and guess what???? My grandpa died too asswipe, millions of people have a grandpa that they loved that died so quit putting obits on the back of your car. There's enough to read while driving as it is, we do not need to add another whole new category of stuff to put on. So after cussing at this guy through closed windows, I proceed to the next light where I pull up behind a ferrari with the license plate that reads "putuout" and the license plate frame reads something about an anesthesiologist and how they "knock u out" or something lame and arrogant. So now I am pissed at the stuck up jerk in front of me because he went to med school and I'm am not smart enough and so I am feeling a little bit like a loser and non-achiever and I'm also pissed at the idiot because he thinks his license plate is so clever. Ooohhh, did you think that up all by yourself??? Oh my gosh, you're so creative....Blah, blah, blah idiot. And I am only a mile from home. So then I am driving and notice off to the side of the road a bouquet of flowers by a lightpost with a bunch of cheap dollar store mexican glass candles with pictures of some saint and a homemade sign that reads "Jeremy, forever in our hearts, taken too young by a drunk driver". Ummm, okay, now that is sad. Now that is something that is okay to put out there. Poor kid, I am starting to cry now now and I am feeling a little sad. Geez, all I wanted to do was go to the store to buy milk. Okay, I am jolted out of my sadness by a red bmw 528i that drives by with a license plate that reads "myrd528". Come on, really? I seriously think this person deserves to get beat up. Really? Really? Someone really puts that on the back of their car? I am amazed at the creativeness of this person and am trying to catch up to ask them what their license plate means but I decide I might punch the person for being stupid so I retreat. I regroup and I am on my way. I pull up behind the mother of them all, the minivan mom with 6 kids, each playing a different sport and each student of the month at their respective school, etc. etc. So now I am once again annoyed but lucky for me the light changes before I can read all the stickers. So I pull into the turn lane, I am almost at the store but wait. Another car in front of me, another life story. This car is littered with do gooder stickers. "Support autism now", "gay people have rights too", "shut up and drive", "go green, my prius is cleaner than your prius". Oh wow, that is witty... I bet this loser doesn't even know a gay autistic person at all. By now, I am thoroughly exhausted and I have not even reached my destination. So I go arrive at the grocery store and because I am have experienced every damn emotion in a 5 minute drive, hate, anger, self-loathing and pity, sadness, general malaise (I love that term), I am drained and cannot make good decisions so I buy junk food and go home and eat. I hate driving in California.